Creeper monster face im in progress on.. probally work on it tomarrow.. maybe not, idk.. i painted over a older paintoing this this guy, put the paint on super thick, and used walnut oil, opposed to a alka-whatever stuff, that makes it dry sometime in my lifetime.. blah, still wet parts on it, and its almost been a week, probally just stick with the fast dry stuff for now on oils..
ocean sleeve action, because everyones gettinbg them, shitty florescent light picture.. but you get the idea
another ocean sleeve, this ones alot more illistrative, had alot of fun doing this, plus it helps that the client is a total boss.
matts back, working away at it... slowly.. someday ill complete the fucking thing xD
wizardy tree ent thing, on a half sleeve of a giant, this guys 6'6 XD i dont normally have to look up at people, si i made a pretty obvious mental note about it XD ha.. theres a phinoex above the tree pearching on it, and starting it on fire.. shouldnt have blurre dout the top on instagram, makes it look SHITTY
another sleeve, in progress picture, dont normally do alot of in progress pictures because most of the time its the glue holding peices like THIS togeather, ahh.. yes, the fun vulture bird zombie head part of the tattoo.