Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tattoos painting sketches uploads

tracing paper line-work for tattoos
Table full of stencils read to become tattoos for the week

 My weeks load of drawings that i have due this week and next.
skull headdress peck chest peice bottom right, rotweiler bursting out of water, which i later found out (on the appointment time) that its sort of a dog whos a water god, or something, so, half dog half water... neater twist on it then i was originally thinking, rib peice... moth on top of them is a chest piece for my awesome friend Marie, fox with sunflowers and nature shit you cant make out in the photo, half sleeve for a new client, and the whole left of this pile is a whole sleeve including beck/upper shoulder cap skull, that should start at his sternum and move across his collar bone to the back of his shoulder blade/ armpit crease.

needless to say iv been working my ass off, and wanted to take this picture to show people, all iv been doing is tattooing and drawing, and i want to vomit.

marker skull drawing tattoo
marker drawing
marker sketch of skull i did tonight, before any tattooing is done
horned skull tattoo
black and grey forearm skull tattoo
Skull with negative space flames/smoke/movement goodness, 80% done with this, dudeer tapped out early because i started at the bottom and worked my way up, the skulls forhead is his elbow, which feels like a fucked butthole.
f-u-c-k-e-d b-u-t-t-h-o-l-e
i love saying that...

underwater octopus artwork
Holy mackerel octopus attackerel !! lol
tshirt design, if i wasnt busy enough............

 im working on for the shop, you cant see the foreground because its tapped off,(like the fantasy magic card artist baxta does) totally unnatural approach to this entire oil painting, i never do this stuff, but size was something i wanted to keep down, instead of my wall sized paintings i normally punish myself with. tedious, but i think the end product will be something to be proud of, and very easy to "read" visually, very graphic to get the point across from afar, and have delectable details for up-close viewers.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunflower tattoo

Sunflower tattoo
Sunflower tattoo in progress
Finished my second session on this sunflower tattoo today, clients super badass, wish she could sit longer, but oh well :P

black and grey healed in upper left corner, fresh everywhere else, did some re-contrasting, and stuff, looks alot better in person -__-

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Skull tattoo rendering, and creepy oil painting

 from the start drawing
skull linework tattoo with original sketch
Tony's shoulder-cap tattoo
 to the first lining on a new friend of mine,
the cracks represent whats happened to himself in his professional line of work with BMX,
pretty gnarly story's to hear, sort of brings alot more excitement to doing something so custom-ly personal, oh, and he likes paisleys, which made me cross-eyed to line :O

dead girl zombie painting
mutant zombie girl oil painting by DAVID Ekstrom
"the thing" ish dead girl creature iv been working on, adopting oils has been thus far one of my better art decisions, more vibrant colors, easier blending, and im not always adding paint, sometimes you just need to move around whats already there... not the full picture, but its not complete, thinking of adding, more creepyness

Saturday, July 6, 2013

full oil painting progress steps on witch/banshee creature girl

witch artwork
first step- underpainting
 charcol startup with acrylic burnt umber washed background, dry
i did this because oil backgrounds dont dry fast enough, so sometimes you pull it up when you make strokes
banshee painting art
 some hair and face rendering
evil woman screaming painting
 little bit more mouthy goodness
dead girl artwork oil painting
 went back into the hair more, refined a little here and there, and started the horizon background, all of these pictures are wet and glary, so the colors arnt as true
howling undead painting
finished howling undead oil painting
95% finished product, i might go back in and render some parts of her face, probably a 5-6 hour painting, trying to get faster, and more productive at rendering paintings so i can participate in more art shows/gallery's around the twin city's, they give me excitement and publicity. this final picture was taken inside in my laundry room (lol) so as you can see the florescent lighting opposed to super straight on natural light have different properties with color.

iv been enjoying the oils, even went and bought some new walnut based oils, in hopes to get a better pigment saturation, plus they dry longer, opposed to normal linseed from what i understand, i cut my oils with a fast drying solution regardless, im mainly worried about keeping a palette open and workable for a few weeks without too much of a pudding skin ... this witch.. banshee.. screaming hoe was done in linseed oils, and some 7.75 dollar paint set my dad bought when he was stationed in japan for the Vietnam war