Dan Jay's Celtic cross and knot with dragon half sleeve tattoo |
Dragon holding a celtic infinity knot? something? i dont know, hit up this cross from almost a year or two ago... this guys super great, always a hoot haveing him in to get tattooed, very respectful and understanding, looking forward to doing more work on him, if you seeing this and wondering why the composition is the way it is, for the untrained eye, the cel,tic cross was tattooed first, and the dragon was added as a, expansion for a more full arm appeal, dule meanings and all that teasy stuff for the cleint, but, yeah, dragon stuff, just freehanded it on.
much respect for him.
Alice in wonderland's evil Cheshire cat rib tattoo |
Mr derek! this quirky guy always had a pack of wolfs following him, lots of super dark, dark humor at hand, and never being seriouse, ever. xD
wanted a evil cheshire cat.... so, yeah i did that, i think he said it took 13 hours, plus the 3 it took to polish this guy off.
apparently i tattoo slow? i dont know... whatever. as long as they look cool, theyr only permanent, ya know