a dead fish i found :D because stopping to take a picture of a corpse is fun! bawhahah
Joe's colorful Giant Kraken octopus sleeve tattoo |
this is joes ocean octopus nautical tattoo sleeve that iv been working on, no real pictures existed until now, almost been at it for a year, and hes defiantly grown in bulk because he works out like a machine... second pass on some ideas in the tattoo finally, heavily needed it i personally think, most of the richer vibrant colors are the second pass, with ink underneath it, they should compile and create a more saturated vibrant tattoo.
dome city's underwater in background of octopus |
concept drawings for table |
table measurements below, but, designing the middle coffee like table that will sit between the couches art the holy mackerel, been feening for a project like this, and im a practical application person, was thinking they'd be too brutal, so i asked verno, he immediately pointed out the bottom one, the one i was leaning towards anyway, we agreed on it being non offensive, tho, i think the ghoulish properties of this might strange some people out. willing to saw in half a full grown hose skull i have
thinking of a apoxie, or bar top submersion to create unity, and give it that, "bug in amber" sort of cool look, while illuminating certain parts, full sized cheap ass medical skeleton on its way, as well as a female headless mannequin for cheap, looking into EL wire to create, uh... lighted quill, or hair looking things on the creatures back?weaving in between the skulls, on, and the upper part sits against the wall...
looks like fun, and welding, things i like :3
very excited.
holy mackerel measurements for coffee table sculpture |
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